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In an animated medium where characters often share similar features, unique hair colors serve as an immediate identifier. In some anime, green hair can serve as an additional standard hair color, either as artistic shorthand for black hair (such as setsuna meiou from sailor moon, or my hero academia protagonist izuku deku midoriya) or as actual pure green (such as midori in midori days). Hair color is an important aspect of an anime character's identity. It can allude to their personality and hint at the character's life, status and other personality quirks. While it may seem like a minuscule detail, hair color can greatly affect one's perception of a character.
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Why do anime characters often have such unusual hair colors? Anime employs vivid hair colors to underscore characters’ distinct personalities, roles, or unique traits. These colors enhance memorability and serve as a powerful storytelling device, enriching characters with symbolic depth. Bright, bold colors help to create a sense of drama and excitement, and can also be used to convey personality traits or emotional states. The odango style applied to characters of chinese ethnicity or association is not symbolic so much as it is a form of racial stereotyping. In anime, blonde hair is not exclusive to a specific character type and is found in both male and female characters. Historically, female protagonists in anime were often blonde, while male protagonists with blonde hair were less common.