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The fda approved generic pregabalin in july 2019. Lyrica, the brand name product from pfizer is still available. I have taken lyrica but off label for a different condition and yes it is a great medication. Fda position´s on generics vs. Brand name medications is the following:
Lyrica has an average rating of 6. 4 out of 10 from a total of 925 ratings on drugs. com. 53% of reviewers reported a positive effect, while 26% reported a negative effect. Thank you for pointing out that this could be a the problem! The main reason i joined this group was that i am having problems adjusting to pregabalin from lyrica and fighting the insurance battle. My neuropathy is worse, pain is worse, having a new problem with my vision and i get shaky sometimes. Doing my best to get back on lyrica. Lyrica, the brand name product from pfizer is also still available. In july 2019, the fda approved. Pregabalin can cause a severe allergic reaction. Stop taking pregabalin and seek emergency medical help if you have hives or blisters on your skin, trouble breathing, or swelling in your face, mouth, or throat. Lyrica has an average rating of 6. 4 out of 10 from a total of 925 ratings on drugs. com. 53% of reviewers reported a positive effect, while 26% reported a negative effect. Methocarbamol has an average rating of 6. 4 out of 10 from a total of 299 ratings on drugs. com.