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How great thou art stuart hine key of g verse 1 g c g d c g o lord my god, when i in awesome wonder, consider all the worlds thy hands have made g c g d c g We have an official how great thou art tab made by ug professional guitarists. Is this strumming pattern correct? [verse 1] a d o lord my god when i in awesome wonder, a e. How great thou art (intro=first two lines) g c o lord my god, when i in awesome wonder g d g c g consider all the worlds thy hands have made, g c i see the stars, i hear the.
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G = 320033 [intro] g c g d c g [verse 1] g c oh lord my god, when i in awesome wonder g d c g consider all the worlds thy hands. G, c, g, d, g verse 1: G c o lord my god, when i in awesome wonder, g d g consider all, the worlds thy hands hath made g c i see the stars, i hear the rolling thunder, g d g thy. How great thou art g d g c o lord my god, when i in awesome wonder g d g d consider all the worlds thy hands have made g c i see the stars, i hear the rolling thunder g d g d 2 g c/g and when i think that god, his son not sparing g d/f# g sent him to die, i scarce can take it in g c/g that on the cross, my burden gladly bearing g. G g7 c when christ shall come, with shouts of acclamation, g d d7 g and take me home, what joy shall fill my heart g g7 c then i shall bow, in humble adoration, g d. How great thou art chords / audio (transposable): G c/g o lord my god, when i in awesome wonder, g d/f# g consider all the worlds thy hand hath made. G c/g i see the. D g when christ shall come with shout of acclamation d a d and take me home, what joy shall fill my heart d g then i shall bow in humble adoration d a d a and there proclaim, my god,. Download midi and pdf files for different parts. G, am, d, c, bm; Key of g with capo 0.